
8 products

8 products
Gatorade Measuring Scoops
Gatorade Measuring Scoops
Gatorade Mixing Spoon
Gatorade Mixing Spoon
Gatorade Towel
Gatorade Towel
Sold Out
Gatorade Cooler Spigot
Gatorade Cooler Spigot
Gatorade Concentrate Dispenser Rack
Gatorade Concentrate Dispenser Rack
Gatorade Concentrate Pump
Gatorade Concentrate Pump
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Gatorade Cooler Truck Bracket
Gatorade Cooler Truck Bracket
Sqwincher Qwik Stik Dispenser Acrylic
Sqwincher Qwik Stik Dispenser

Accessories for Measuring, Mixing & More

In addition to Gatorade coolers, cups & sports bottles, Powder Mix Direct stocks a complete line of Gatorade accessories. From measuring scoops to mixing spoons, these items are designed to save both time and money by making the mixing and dispensing process as easy as possible.

The Origins of Gatorade

It's pretty well known that Gatorade was developed by a team of scientists at the University of Florida. However, an article on the university's website gives a more complete story.

According to Robert Cade, the lead scientist, Gatorade was first tested on 10 freshmen football players. It was a scrimmage between these players and the Gators B team that caught the attention of head coach Ray Graves.

"At the end of the first half, the B team was ahead 13-0. They pushed the freshmen around pretty good," Cade says. "In the third period, the freshmen, who had been given the solution, came out and began pushing the B team around. They scored two or three touchdowns in the third period and five or six more in the fourth period."

The Gators had an upcoming game against heavily favored Louisiana State, and based on the results of the scrimmage, Graves asked Cade to make more. Working overtime, the team of scientists delivered.

The game was played in 102-degree heat, and while the Tigers faded in the fourth quarter, the Gators came from behind to defeat LSU.

Needless to say, Gatorade was on its way to becoming the go-to drink of the Gators, and it wasn't long before it made its way to the sidelines of many more teams.

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